Home (amp tone and effects placement)
Almost all of these discussion areas require registration. This is easy to deal with. Create a passwords file with entries as follows.
url: http://www.someforum/area
email: myname@mydomain.com
name: John Smith
login: jsmith
pw: dk4k3j
TheGearPage.net � good discussion site.
AmpTalk.com -- Amp Reviews and Vintage Guitar Amp Forums.� Schematic, setup, and mods for musical instrument tube amps.
Ampage forums
Vintage Guitar forums
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/guitar_gear/ - Yahoo guitar_gear discussion group
AX84 collective amp projects - amp forum
Fender Discussion Page:
>>you may want to try a "free" news server so you'll be able to read the newsgroups from a dedicated newsreader like Outlook Express or Netscape (or whatever). Just email this address: news-register@cis.dfn.de and ask them for an account. Include your name and email address and they'll send you an ID and password. This free server allows you to "post", most free servers are "read only". -- rippo
Amptone.com ultra gear-search page
Home (amp tone and effects placement)